Chintans Musings

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Friday Sunset

The Friday sun hurries along
But the watch ticks as slowly as it can
The wheels vroom and screech impatiently
Rushing into the unwinding plan.

The lines are long
All roads lead to the ports
All thoughts belong to beloved ones
And the gait is smitten by the prance.

The hostess is peppy; the pilot is in jest
But thoughts of the hugs won't let you rest
The smells of the cabin are impeccably fragrant
But the arrivals lounge - it must play truant.

When the rubber finally lazes to a halt
And you see your dear blue moon
The lips smile wide grinning ear to ear
Yet the words won't fall out so soon.

Before Messrs. Traffic & Jams can take the blame
The curses have their two seconds of fame
"Why so late, I couldn't wait no longer!"
As the hands slip around the shoulder.

The cards are swiped, and the tickets are clicked
Popcorn machines go wild; waitresses over-tipped
The DJ grooves on while the night is young
And Monday seems conspicuously far-flung.

The ceiling is gazed and the eyes won't blink
The hearts will pour out sans the extra drink.
Friends are remade and lovers hold tight
Sleep never really had the Friday night.

The Saturday wakes up to a lonely dawn
And before you'd know, the Sunday is gone.
But as guilty as I feel for my promises unkept
I yearn once again for that Friday sunset.

Friday, September 03, 2010

If it would.

If I run fast enough, and lift my feet off the ground
Would I be able to take off into the skies?
If I stuffed my bag with ample mundanes
Would you please tear open and fall out of the sides?

If I gave you all the freedom you want
Would you rebel I didn't hold you close?
If I held you close and promised never to let go
Would you feel stifled in the bindings I chose?

Should the flames go dim and darken my sides
Would you stay until I light the new spark?
If I had my own feet and moved out from your spot
Would you still trample me, and choose not to hark?

If I had the answers to all your questions
Would you be kind enough to answer mine?
But then, if the song was ever complete
There would never have been a reason to the rhyme.